Creature classlevelstats SF
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The `creature_classlevelstats` table
This table contains the base values for creatures' health, mana and armor.
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
level | tinyint(1) | signed | NO | NULL | |||
class | tinyint(1) | signed | NO | NULL | |||
basehp0 | smallint(2) | signed | NO | NULL | |||
basehp1 | smallint(2) | signed | NO | NULL | |||
basehp2 | smallint(2) | signed | NO | NULL | |||
basemana | smallint(2) | signed | NO | NULL | |||
basearmor | smallint(2) | signed | NO | NULL |
Description of the fields
Level of the creature.
Class of the creature (referenced to creature_template.unit_class
Base health for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 0 ((this value is multiplied by creature_template.Health_mod to determine the creature's final health).
Base health for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 1 ((this value is multiplied by creature_template.Health_mod to determine the creature's final health).
Base health for the creature if creature_template.exp value is set to 2 ((this value is multiplied by creature_template.Health_mod to determine the creature's final health).
Base mana for the creature (this value is multiplied by creature_template.Mana_mod to determine the creature's final mana.
Base armor for the creature (this value is multiplied by creature_template.Armor_mod to determine the creature's final armor.