Waypoints SF

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The `waypoint_data` table

This table contains all the path data for creatures that use waypoints.

Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
id int(10) unsigned NO 0 Creature GUID
point mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
position_x float signed NO 0
position_y float signed NO 0
position_z float signed NO 0
orientation float signed NO 0
delay int(10) unsigned NO 0
move_flag tinyint(1) signed NO 0
action int(11) signed NO 0
action_chance smallint(3) signed NO 100
wpguid int(11) signed NO 0

Description of the fields


ID of the path

The TDB standard way of assigning an ID is the GUID of the creature X 10.

So for a creature with a GUID of 1234 the path ID would be 12340. Any waypoints submitted to TDB should follow this standard.

However, this is only a suggestion when creating your own waypoints. This ID can be anything you want as long as creature_addon.path_id is set to the ID you pick here for the creature you are creating a waypoint for.


ID of point of path


X, Y and Z coordinates of destination


The orientation of the creature. (North = 0.0; South = pi (3.14159))


Time (in ms) between each point


0 - walk 1 - run


ID of action in waypoint_scripts to be performed


Action chance in percents (0-100%)


This field is used by the core and is NOT to be set by hand.

This field holds the GUID of the waypoint visual when you enable the visual mode for waypoints.