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What is a MySQL Stored Procedure

  • A procedure in MySQL is a set of queries that will be run once procedures is called.
  • Procedures are objects stored inside the database and once created, they’re always there for use.
  • Procedures and functions in MySQL are called stored routines, because they’re meant to ease often repeated actions.

MySQL Stores Procedures on SkyFire

MySQL stored procedures are expected to be used in most of submitted fixes on SkyFire forums once the project's fully established.

Error-Handling Procedure

Error handlers are used for data validation inside of other procedures. They consist of regular MySQL queries and logical operations such as IF or CASE. They validate data by either proving its existence in the database or making sure data is within proper ranges and types, etc. If this fails – the procedure raises an error, failing the procedure call. As a standard, these procedures have names starting with sp_tdb_Check*.



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT Entry of the npc to check

Description: Error handling for TDB procedure: check if npc of provided ID exists in database

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_CheckNpcEntry`(257); -- will error out if invalid npc entry (creature_template.entry = 257)



Name Type Description
trigger_id IN INT(10) ID to check against the db for quest objective

Description: Check if provided creature ID is requirement of any quest into database (quest_template)

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: quest_template

CALL `sp_CheckTriggerId`(257); -- make sure trigger (creature_template.entry = 257) is requirement for a quest




Name Type Description
quest_entry IN INT(10) Entry of quest from quest_template

Description: Check if provided quest exists in database (quest_template)

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: quest_template

CALL `sp_CheckQuestEntry`(9876); -- check if quest with ID 9876 exists in database




Name Type Description
npc_or_go_entry IN INT(10) Entry of creature or gameobject from *_template
entry_type IN VARCHAR(10) must be 'GO' or 'NPC'

Description: Check if npc or gameobject with provided entry exists in database (creature_template or gameobject_template)

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: gameobject_template, creature_template

CALL `sp_CheckNPCOrGO`(257,'NPC'); -- check if NPC with entry = 257 exists in database




Name Type Description
gameobject_entry IN INT(10) Entry of the npc to check

Description: Check if provided gameobject exists in database (table gameobject_template)

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: gameobject_template, creature_template

CALL `sp_CheckGobjEntry`(175124); -- check if Rookery Egg exists in database, error if not


Utility Procedure

Utility procedures are typically only used within other, more complex procedures. They tend to help with small pieces of a larger solution. Using utility procedures is usually more complicated than just a basic procedure because there is often cleanup needed after using them (or other special circumstances requiring expert knowledge of the procedure). Use these with care.



Name Type Description
input IN TEXT A comma-delimited list of entries to be split and inserted individually into a temporary table

Description: Utility procedure to split a comma-delimited list into a temporary table to be used outside of the procedure. Drop up the temporary table after using it. USE WITH CARE.

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: tdb_entry_list

CALL `sp_GetEntryList`('1,2,3,4,5,6'); -- creates a temp table with 6 rows containing the values 1-6 respectively
SELECT * FROM `tdb_entry_list`; -- use this table as a source for other actions
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tdb_entry_list`; -- always drop the table when finished!



Name Type Description
new_base_guid IN INT(10) All creature guids will be re-numbered with the first guid being this number

Description: Will re-number all existing guids in creature table starting with a provided value

Dependencies: `sp_ReGuidAlterTables`

Tables Affected: Any with creature.guid value in use

CALL `sp_ReGuid`(1000); -- will renumber all existing guids in creature table starting with 1000 as initial

Basic Procedure

Basic procedures are simple, concise, and only accommodate one piece of functionality. These differ from Utility Procedures in that they can be used by themselves safely and easily without knowledge of any other procedures (outside of Error-Handling Procedures). They do one thing, and only one thing.



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT Entry of the npc for whom template is updated

Description: Sets NPC as a trigger (disable movements, ignore aggro, and disable targetting)

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: creature, creature_template

CALL `sp_tdb_TriggerSettings`(257); -- sets npc having `creature_template`.`entry` = 257 to act as trigger



Name Type Description
spell_ID IN INT ID of spell we want to set target for
target_type IN VARCHAR(10) Choose from ('GO','NPC','DEAD_NPC','MINION')
spell_target_entry IN INT(11) ID of creature or gameobject

Description: Sets target requirement for spellcast

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: creature_template, spell_script_target

CALL `sp_SpellScriptTarget`(4444,'NPC',257); -- allows spell 4444 to be cast only on living creature with `creature_template`.`entry` = 257



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry`

Description: Update creature to appear death but still react to eAI / give or take quests

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template_addon, creature

CALL `TDB_sp_KillQuestgiver`(257); -- Makes creature with entry 257 appear dead but still albe to give / take quests or react to spellhits



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should be made attackable

Description: Update npc to be attackable

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_MakeAttackable`(257); -- enables attacking for NPC with ID 257 (creature_template.entry)



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should be made to ignore aggro

Description: Update npc to be ignore aggro

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_IgnoreAggro`(257); -- makes NPC with ID 257 ignore aggro



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should be made lootable

Description: Update npc to become lootable

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_MakeLootable`(257); -- makes NPC with ID 257 lootable



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` whose faction is to be changed
faction_A IN INT(10) Alliance faction to set
faction_H IN INT(10) Horde faction to set

Description: Update npc's faction for both alliance and horde

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

 CALL `sp_SetFaction`(257,7,7); -- sets faction to 7 for NPC with ID 257 (Kobold Worker)



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should be made selectable

Description: Update npc to become selectable

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_SetSelectable`(257); -- makes NPC with ID 257 selectable



Name Type Description
quest_entry IN INT(10) ID of a quest from quest_template
quest_level IN INT(10) New MinLevel value for the selected quest

Description: Update quest to provided level. Only for seasonal quests where levels are not correct from WDB.

Dependencies: sp_CheckQuestEntry

Tables Affected: quest_template

 CALL `sp_SetQuestlevel`(11335,30) - sets MinLevel of quest ID 11335 (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin) to 30



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should be not selectable

Description: Update npc to become not selectable

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_SetNotSelectable`(257); -- makes NPC with ID 257 not selectable



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should not be lootable

Description: Update npc to become not lootable

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_MakeNotLootable`(257); -- makes creature of ID 257 (Kobold Worker) not lootable



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should aggro normally

Description: Update npc to aggro normally

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_NotIgnoreAggro`(257); -- makes creature of ID 257 (Kobold Worker) stop ignoring aggro



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` who should be unattackable

Description: Update npc to become unattackable

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_MakeNotAttackable`(257); -- disables attacking of creature with ID 257 (creature_template.entry - Kobold Worker)



Name Type Description
go_id IN MEDIUMINT(6) ID of the gameobject whose loot id is to be gathered
go_loot_id OUT INT(10) variable to store the retrieved value in

Description: Get the loot ID for a specified gameobject (data1 field). Must be a chest (type=3).

Dependencies: sp_CheckGobjEntry

Tables Affected: gameobject_template

CALL `sp_GetLootIdForChest`(194200,@Test); -- get the loot id for g194200 (Rare Cache of Winter) and put it in a variable
SELECT * FROM `gameobject_loot_template` WHERE `entry`=@Test; -- use the variable containing the lootid for a fix



Name Type Description
ref_type IN VARCHAR(10) Must be one of the following: 'SKIN', 'ITEM', 'FISH', 'MILL', 'RAID_GOBJ', 'MINE', 'PROSPECT', 'WORLD', 'RAID_CRE', 'DUNGEON' or 'PICKPOCKET'
reference OUT MEDIUMINT(5) variable to store the calculated reference id

Description: Get a generated loot reference id based on the type of loot its to be used for

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: reference_loot_template

CALL `sp_get_ref_id`('RAID_CRE',@Test); -- store the next available reference ID in the range for raid creatures in a variable
SELECT @Test; -- use the variable however we like in a fix



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) Entry of the npc whose lootid you would like to set
loot_id IN MEDIUMINT(5) NULLABLE. If provided, set the specified NPC's lootid to this value. If NULL, NPC uses its own entry.

Description: Sets the loot id of a specified NPC

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry

Tables Affected: creature_template

CALL `sp_SetLootId`(10184,NULL); -- sets the lootid of c10184 (Onyxia) to its own entry number

Average Procedure

Average level procedures are significantly more complex than Basic Procedures. They involve multiple tables, multiple procedure dependencies, and frequently perform more than one action. They do, however, still exist for often-used functionality. These types of procedures tend to mask complex behavior using only a few parameters.



Name Type Description
entry_list IN TEXT Entry of the npc whose lootid you would like to set
loot_id IN INT(10) NULLABLE. If provided, set the specified NPC's lootid to this value. If NULL, NPC uses its own entry.

Description: Sets the loot id of a list of NPCs to either their own entry numbers or a specified value

Dependencies: sp_GetEntryList

Tables Affected: creature_template, tdb_entry_list

CALL `sp_SetLootIdByList` ('1,2,3,4,5','99999'); -- sets the loot id of 5 specified npcs to 99999



Name Type Description
npc_or_go_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry` OR GameObject from `gameobject_template`
switch_give_take IN VARCHAR(10) Must be either 'QGIVER', 'QTAKER', 'BOTH' - defines if NPC / GO will only give quest / take quest / do both
quest_entry IN INT(10) Entry of quest from quest_template
entry_type IN VARCHAR(10) Either 'NPC' or 'GO' based on the type of entry given

Description: Sets the loot id of a list of NPCs to either their own entry numbers or a specified value

Dependencies: sp_CheckNPCOrGO, sp_CheckQuestEntry

Tables Affected: creature_questionrelation, creature_involvedrelation, gameobject_questionrelation, gameobject_involvedrelation

CALL `sp_SetLootIdByList`('1,2,3,4,5','99999'); -- sets the loot id of 5 specified npcs to 99999

Advanced Procedure

Advanced procedures are used rarely. They involved many tables, procedures, and have many dependencies and clean up measures required. They are to be used with great care as they will often take a significant amount of time to execute as well. Not for beginners, use any of these with care.

No procedures accepted.

Event AI Procedures

These procedures are specific to ScriptDev2-based content, namely the Event AI tables. All eAI procedures relate to the same tables, which are described in the Event AI Guide.



Name Type Description
creature_entry IN INT(10) Creature entry to check against
event_id OUT INT(10) Best EventAI ID to associate with the specified creature

Description: Check if eAI exists and get best id for new entries. To be used inside other eAI procs only.

Degree: Utility

Dependencies: none

Tables Affected: creature_ai_scripts

CALL `sp_eai_selectID`(8956,@eventID); -- gets an appropriate eAI event id for c8956 (Angerclaw Bear) and places it in the @eventID variable



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry`
spell_id IN INT(10) ID of spell we want to set target for
trigger_id IN INT(10) ID of trigger NPC that needs to be killed for quest objective
despawn_time IN INT(10) time (milliseconds) before NPC despawns

Description: Perform eAI script for NPC to give credit on spellhit

Degree: Average

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry, sp_CheckTriggerId, sp_eai_selectID

Tables Affected: creature_template, creature_ai_scripts

-- Creature of ID 257 when hit with spell of ID 4444 will give credit for killing NPC of ID 1235 and will then despawn after 10 seconds
CALL `sp_tdb_eai_KillCreditOnSpellhit`(257,4444,1235,10000); 



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry`
spell_id IN INT(6) ID of spell we want to set target for

Description: Perform eAI script for NPC to cast spell on self upon spawn

Degree: Average

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry, sp_eai_selectID

Tables Affected: creature_template, creature_ai_scripts

CALL `sp_eai_CastSpellOnSpawn`(257,4444); -- Creature of ID 257 (Kobold Worker) will cast spell of ID 4444 on self when spawned



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry`
trigger_id IN INT(10) ID of trigger NPC that needs to be killed for quest objective

Description: Create eAI script for NPC to give credit on death

Degree: Average

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry, sp_eai_selectID

Tables Affected: creature_template, creature_ai_scripts

CALL `sp_eai_KillCreditOnDeath`(46,257); -- NPC of ID 46 (Murloc Forager) when killed will give credit for killing NPC with ID 257 (Kobold Worker)



Name Type Description
npc_entry IN INT(10) ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry`
spell_id IN INT(10) ID of spell we want to set target for
spawn_id IN INT(10) NPC that will be spawned at current location of the provided npc_entry
despawn_time IN INT(10) time (milliseconds) before summoned NPC despawns

Description: Create eAI script for NPC to give credit on death

Degree: Average

Dependencies: sp_CheckNpcEntry, sp_eai_selectID

Tables Affected: creature_template, creature_ai_scripts

-- NPC of id 1234 will summon NPC of id 1235 upon being cast spell 4444. NPC 1235 will despawn after 100s
CALL `sp_eAI_SpawnOnSpellhit`(1234,4444,1235,100000);

Temporary Tables

Temporary tables are a way to store complex data that needs to be used in more than one place but should not be stored permanently. For TDB procedures, we will use them to pass data from one procedure call to another. This method is clean but often requires knowledge of the temporary table(s) being used and how to clean them up properly. Remember: if you use a procedure that uses a temporary table, make sure you drop that table afterwards.



Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
entry int unsigned NO 0 any entry

Description of the fields


Any entry, used by multiple tables


Here are some raw views at what the stored procedures actually look like. We hope you can use these to better understand what, exactly, a stored procure is (and maybe, use these as inspiration to write your own!). Please refer to the PDF manuals at the top of this page for more information on stored procedures and how they are used here at TDB.


CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_CheckNpcEntry` (IN creature_entry INT)
 * TABLES AFFECTED: creature_template
 * PROCS USED: none
 * Error handling for TDB procedure: check if creature of provided ID exists in database
 * creature_entry - Entry of the npc to check
 * CALL `sp_CheckNpcEntry` (257); -- will error out if invalid npc entry (creature_template.entry = 257)
    DECLARE Check_entry INT;
    SET Check_entry = (SELECT COUNT(entry) FROM `creature_template` WHERE `entry`= creature_entry);

    IF Check_entry = 0 THEN 
        SET Check_entry = 0;
    END IF;



CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_CheckNPCOrGO`(IN npc_or_go_entry INT(10), IN entry_type VARCHAR(10)) 
 * TABLES AFFECTED: creature_template, gameobject_template
 * PROCS USED: none
 * npc_or_go_entry - entry of creature or gameobject from *_template
 * entry_type: ["GO"|"NPC"]
 * ex: CALL `sp_CheckNPCOrGO` (257, "NPC"); -- check if NPC with entry = 257 exists in database
DECLARE Check_entry INT;
CASE entry_type
        WHEN "NPC" THEN
SET Check_entry = (SELECT COUNT(`entry`) FROM `creature_template` WHERE `entry`=npc_or_go_entry);
        WHEN "GO" THEN
SET Check_entry = (SELECT COUNT(`entry`) FROM `gameobject_template` WHERE `entry`=npc_or_go_entry);
IF Check_entry=0 THEN
END //



CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_MakeNotLootable`(IN npc_entry INT(10))
 * TABLES AFFECTED: creature_template
 * PROCS USED: sp_CheckNpcEntry
 * Update creature to become not lootable
 * creature_entry - ID of NPC from `creature_template`.`entry`
 * ex: CALL `sp_MakeNotLootable` (257); -- makes creature of ID 257 (Kobold Worker) not lootable
    CALL `sp_CheckNpcEntry` (npc_entry);
    UPDATE `creature_template` SET `dynamicflags`=`dynamicflags`&~1 WHERE `entry`= npc_entry;
END //



CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_SetLootIdByList` (IN entryList TEXT,IN lootID MEDIUMINT(5))
 * TABLES AFFECTED: creature_template, tdb_entry_list (temp)
 * PROCS USED: sp_GetEntryList
 * Sets the loot id of a specified NPC
 * npcEntry - Entry of the npc whose lootid you would like to set
 * loot - NULLABLE. If provided, set the specified NPC's lootid to this value. If NULL, NPC uses its own entry.
 * ex: CALL `sp_SetLootIdByList` ('1,2,3,4,5','99999'); -- sets the loot id of 5 specified npcs to 99999
    CALL `sp_GetEntryList` (entryList);
    UPDATE `creature_template` SET `lootid`=IFNULL(lootID,`entry`) WHERE `entry` IN (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM `tdb_entry_list`);
    DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tdb_entry_list`; -- dont forget the cleanup!