Installation (Debian 10)

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This is a basic guide on how to install SkyFire_548 and SFDB from scratch. **Please note this is a work in progress and only contains enough information to get most people a viable server in Linux.


The compilation of SkyFire_548 and the setup of SFDB will require certain packages to be installed. In Ubuntu use the following command:

Debian based distributions use these commands:

apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool gcc g++ make cmake subversion git patch wget links zip unzip openssl libssl-dev libreadline-gplv2-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev git-core libace-dev libncurses5-dev libace-dev -y

You may also want to install phpmyadmin and/or Apache. Do not forget the user and password for the Mysql root user.

Installing OpenSSL - You should check if "1.1.1j" or newer is the latest version installed.

For cases where you want to run an even newer release of OpenSSL than mentioned here, or your distribution not supplying a version that isn't of recent date, please check your distributions repositories or documentation. You can also retrieve it as sourcecode at (feel free to use newer packages if you really feel like it). To build it from sourcecode, here's a primer :

tar -xvf openssl-1.1.1j.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.1.1j
mkdir build
cd build

Alternative 1 : Local installation

../config --prefix=/home/`echo $USER`/.sys shared
make install

Alternative 2 : Systemwide installation

../config shared
sudo make install

Please note that any old revision of the OpenSSL package installed by the distribution may/will interfere with the new version. See your distribution documentation for information on how to remove it to be able to use the new one.

Installing MySQL Start by downloading and dpkg the package.

dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.14-1_all.deb

After following the configuration screen you want to apt-get update and install the libraries.

apt-get update
apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev

Compiling and Installing the SkyFire 5.4.8

Grab the latest version of SkyFire_548 using git:

git clone -b master

This should create a directory called SkyFire_548 that will contain all the files necessary to compile the server and it's tools. Change to the directory, configure, and build.

cd SkyFire_548
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/skyfire-server/ -DTOOLS=1
make -j(#cores+1)
make install

Parameter explanations

-DACE_LIBRARY=<path to ACE library>                      (full path to your file INCLUDING the filename - do not use if you have ACE installed systemwide)
-DACE_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to ACE includes/headers>         (path to the libACE include directory - do not use if you have ACE installed systemwide)
-DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=<path to OpenSSL library>            (path to your OpenSSL library - do not use if you have OpenSSL installed systemwide)
-DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to OpenSSL includes>         (path to your OpenSSL includes directory - do not use if you have OpenSSL installed systemwide)

-DSERVERS             Build worldserver and authserver
-DSCRIPTS             Build core with scripts included
-DTOOLS               Build map/vmap extraction/assembler tools
-DUSE_SCRIPTPCH       Use precompiled headers when compiling scripts
-DUSE_COREPCH         Use precompiled headers when compiling servers
-DUSE_SFMT            Use SFMT as random numbergenerator
-DWITH_WARNINGS       Show all warnings during compile
-DWITH_COREDEBUG      Include additional debug-code in core
-DWITH_SQL            Copy SQL files during installation
-DCONF_DIR            Set configuration directory
-DLIBSDIR             Set library directory
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS       Set C_FLAGS for compile (advanced users only)
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS     Set CXX_FLAGS for compile (advanced users only)

-DWITH_CXX_17_STD     Use c++17 standard (advanced users only)
-DWITH_CXX_DRAFT_STD  Use c++ draft standard (advanced users only)

Installing SkyFireDataBase (SFDB)

Now we will set up the database framework for which SkyFire will be installed into:

It is assumed that you cloned SkyFire_548 into your home directory ~/

Replace the parts in <> to the correct administrative username, and associated password. Usually the administrative user is root, but you may have altered it.

In the terminal window:

mysql -u <mysql_root> -p < ~/SkyFire_548/sql/create/create_mysql.sql
mysql -u <mysql_root> -p auth < ~/SkyFire_548/sql/base/auth/auth.sql 
mysql -u <mysql_root> -p characters < ~/SkyFire_548/sql/base/character/character.sql

Grab the latest version of SkyFireDB on our forum.
The DB download contains an installer for Linux and Windows. Also a single Sql file.

!!!You will also need to manually run any sql's found in the cores sql folder .../sql/updates/world and .../sql/updates/char!!!

(If you are doing this for more than local use you will also need to change a database entry using this mysql command.)

update auth.realmlist set adress = "YOUR IP HERE" where id = 1;


Now move and edit the configuration files to run the server.

mv ~/skyfire/etc/worldserver.conf.dist ~/skyfire/etc/worldserver.conf
mv  ~/skyfire/etc/authserver.conf.dist  ~/skyfire/etc/authserver.conf

Edit both of these files to the correct Mysql user name, password, and your DataDir.

nano ~/skyfire/etc/(correctserver).conf

Extractor and VMAPs

If you need a Windows compiled copy of the DBC Extractor and the tools for the VMAP
Extraction and assembly you can get a copy of them using your GIT client and download
them from:

Before doing any of these commands, follow the guide at

to obtain a working installation of the latest WoW 5.4.8 client, then proceed:

The last and final step of setting up SkyFire_548 is to obtain a proper set of maps for use in the server. Change to the WoW directory and run some commands:

cd "Wow Directory"
mv dbc ~/skyfire/bin/dbc
mv maps ~/skyfire/bin/maps
mkdir vmaps 
mv vmaps ~/skyfire/bin/

SkyFire Patcher

The client will need to be patched before it can properly connect to the server. Acquire the patcher in the Community Tools repository.

git clone

Install Mono in Wine or Crossover Office and run the patcher to modify your WoW.exe file.

to install Mono simply, and correctly configured, please view:

to obtain specific versions/running hackery in your Wine bottle.
