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The `creature_onkill_reputation` table

This table holds the information for awarding reputation for killing a specified creature.


Field Type Attribute Default Comment
creature_id mediumint(8) unsigned The creature's ID that will award rep. Found in creature_template.
RewOnKillRepFaction1 smallint(6) signed The ID# of the faction that you will gain/lose rep with. Found in Faction.dbc.
RewOnKillRepFaction2 smallint(6) signed The ID# of the faction that you will gain/lose rep with. Found in Faction.dbc.
MaxStanding1 tinyint(4) signed The maximum standing (0-7 (Hated-Exalted)) that will award rep until for RewOnKillRepFaction1.
IsTeamAward1 tinyint(4) signed Specifies if the kill should also award rep to the meta faction (0 = Off, 1 = On) for RewOnKillRepFaction1.
RewOnKillRepValue1 mediumint(9) signed Amount of rep the kill should award to RewOnKillRepFaction1.
MaxStanding2 tinyint(4) signed The maximum standing (0-7 (Hated-Exalted)) that will award rep until for RewOnKillRepFaction2.
IsTeamAward2 tinyint(4) signed Specifies if the kill should also award rep to the meta faction (0 = Off, 1 = On) for RewOnKillRepFaction2.
RewOnKillRepValue2 mediumint(9) signed Amount of rep the kill should award to RewOnKillRepFaction2.
TeamDependent tinyint(3) unsigned Specifies if the kill should award rep from both factions to all players or Alliance for 1 and Horde for 2 (0 = Off, 1 = On).